Agrovet Market trains farmers in Cerro de Pasco

Posted on 19/10/2016

The last Wednesday 12 of October, Agrovet Market provided training to farmers in the rural community 12 of October in the district of Yanahuanca of the province Daniel Alcides Carrión-Cerro de Pasco.

Community members whose main activity are the management and care of their livestock attended the event. The Eng. Eduardo Francisco, commercial technical supervisor of Agrovet Market, was commissioned to expose the topic "Management of reproductive problems in dairy cattle." The purpose of the talk was to provide knowledge on how to manage and prevent these diseases using the Metri- cef 3® products, antibiotic treatment and prevention of metritis; Fertimin Se®, adjuvant mineral supplement in metabolic and reproductive problems and Cefaject®, antibiotic residues in milk zero.

Agrovet Market always thinking about improving animal health, grateful for the invitation and consolidates its support to the development of the livestock sector.

Ing. Eduardo Francisco training farmers in the rural community 12 of October, Daniel Alcides Carrion-Cerro de Pasco.


Ing. Eduardo Francisco training farmers in the rural community 12 of October, Daniel Alcides Carrion-Cerro de Pasco.


Farmers of the rural community 12 of October, Daniel Alcides Carrion-Cerro de Pasco.
