
Hematofos B12®

Tolerance of an injectable combination for parenteral intravenous administration of Hematofos B12 with 5 % Dextrose and 9 % Sodium Chloride in cattle feedlot with anorexia.


Gallomix® / Gallomax

Tolerance Assessment of coated tablets based on Liver, Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids ( Gallomix ® ) in fighting cocks through oral.


Gallomix® / Gallomax

Tolerance Assessment of coated tablets based on Liver, Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids ( Gallomax ® ) in fighting cocks through oral route.



Tolerance and efficacy evaluation of injectable solution based on Calcium Chloride , Vitamin A, D3 , E and B12 (Coloidex ® MultiVitaminado ) and other injectable solution based on Vitamin A, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin E ( Adefortex ) as supporting treatment in parasitic infections and respiratory infections in sheep and cattle.


Calcio para Vacas del Dr. Calderón

Tolerance evaluation of injectable solution borogluconate 27% Calcium (Calcio para vacas del Dr. Calderon) in dairy cows.


Calcidex Forte | Calfosmin D

Efficacy and tolerance evaluation of oral solution Borogluconate Calcium, Magnesium , Phosphorus , Sodium , Potassium and Caffeine ( Calcidex Forte) * postpartum dairy cows.



Palatability and tolerance evaluation of oral dose from a combination of glucosamine HCL plus chondroitin sulfate tablets ( Artrosamine ® ) in dogs.


Aminoplex® Light

Tolerance and Efficacy evaluation of an injectable solution based on electrolytes, amino acids and vitamins (Aminoplex Light) in beef cattle and dogs with dehydration and general weakness.