Research work

Triverfén® 22.2

Evaluation of the efficacy of an antiparasitic solution containing Triclabendazole, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole (Triverfen® 22.2), for the control of Gastrointestinal Nematodiasis in horses, Peru.

Research work

Diflovet® 10

Use of Injectable Difloxacin (Diflovet® 10) in the treatment of gastroenteric infections in young dogs in the area of Miraflores - Arequipa, November 2003 to March 2007

Research work

Bovimec® L.A.

Proof of effectiveness of Bovimec L.A. in the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in C.I.P. CHUQUIBAMBILLA.

Research work

Fipronex® Duo

Comparative evaluation of the efficacy and residuality of a new formulation of epicutaneous application based on the combination of fipronil 10%, pyriproxyfen 10% and fipronil 10% in the control of fleas in canines

Research work

Fipronex® Duo

Comparative evaluation of effectiveness, residuality, tolerance and side effects of increasing doses of a formulation based on fipronil and a combination of fipronil with pyriproxyfen (Fipronex Duo ®) in the control of fleas in canines