Agrovet Market Participated in awards to the best farmers in the irrigation Majes- Pedregal

Posted on 19/07/2016

Agrovet Market Animal Health sponsored the awards to the best farmers in the irrigation Majes - Pedregal, according to the official ranking of milk production 2015-2016 campaign, in the department of Arequipa.

The event brought together many attendees between national representatives, cattle breeders of Majes and surroundings. Agrovet Market provided training lectures for better livestock production. AMAH, represented by M.V Alex Espinoza Mac Lima, commercial technical supervisor, handed baskets with veterinary products to the winners. In addition, the occasion was used to promote Nutrovet® Performance Results line with its new products Booster RN, Rumenade P, ProBiolyte WS, Chicklyte and Vetonic OS.

Agrovet Market thanked the organizers of this event for the invitation. We hope to continue to share valuable information about our products and participating in the following editions of this important event.