Agrovet Market was present at EXPOPERULACTEA 2024 held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UNMSM on June 27th and 28th

Posted on 28/06/2024

Agrovet Market was present at EXPOPERULACTEA 2024 held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UNMSM on June 27 and 28.

In commemoration of its 20th anniversary, this important event organized the "International Congress on Livestock Development - CIDEGAN", with the participation of national and international experts who covered important topics for the development of businesses related to dairy farming and animal production.

They also recognized the "Heroes of the national livestock", in which Dr. Wilfredo Calderón Vera, father of Dr. Umberto Calderón, founding partner and CEO of Agrovet Market Animal Health, stands out.

This recognition is due to his vast experience as a senior professor of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, advisor in the main dairy farms in the three regions of the country, he has completed master's degrees and specializations in different countries, and he is also professor emeritus of the UNMSM.

Agrovet Market thanks the organizing committee and all the attendees for allowing us to strengthen our commitment and contribution to the growth of the livestock sector in our country.

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