Boldemax® A.P.
Long-acting anabolic

Boldenone undecylenate 50 g, slow release vehicle q.s. ad 1 mL
For the increase in weight gain through increased efficiency in feed conversion in adult or developing animals (both pasturing and entrance to intensive feedlot) and to prepare culling livestock (including cows). It stimulates erythropoiesis. As coadjuvant in consumptive or debilitating type diseases that produce weight loss, convalescent states, senile debility, rickets, fractures and stress.
Cattle, horses and pigs: 1 mL/90 kg of b.w.; sheep, goats and camelids: 0.5 mL/45 kg of b.w.; dogs and cats: 0.5 mL/10 kg of b.w.; fighting cocks: 0.05 mL/2 kg of b.w. Apply through deep intramuscular route.
Bottle x 20 mL , Bottle x 100 mL , Bottle x 250 mL .
SENASA Registry: SENASA Perú: F.02.01.N.0025
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