Vetpro Dermacare Spray natural ayurvedic combination of essential oils and phytobioactives

Vetpro® Dermacare Natuderma® Spray

Natural Ayurvedic Combination of Essential Oils and Phytobioactives

Canines Felines Topical Spray Solution

Each 100 mL contains: Pinus roxiburgii oil 22.0 g, Eucalyptus globulus oil 8.0 g, Cedrus deodara oil 2.0 g, Azadirachta indica oil 2.0 g, Millettia pinnata oil 2.0 g, Curcuma longa oil 2.0 g, Ocimum sanctum oil 1.0 g, Melaleuca leucadendron oil 0.5 g, Cinnamomum camphora crystals 0.5 g, Excipients 100 mL.

As an adjuvant in the treatment and prevention in:
- Traumatic, surgical, infected and non-infected wounds.
- Abrasions, lacerations and incisions, cuts, scratches, and bites, including interdigital injuries.
- Burns, insect bites, canker sores and skin ulcers; --Irritated skin, pruritus (itching), skin rashes,
- Pyodermas.
- Myiasis (worm).
- Dermatitis, including pyotraumatic, wet/dry eczema, dermatomycosis, dermatophytosis, scabies.
- As support in sarcoptic and psoroptic mange.

Route of administration: Topical. Clean -shave if necessary- the affected part and spray Vetpro® Dermacare Natuderma® Spray 15-20 centimeters from the wound, completely covering it and the surrounding areas, two or three times a day or as indicated by your Veterinarian. In cases of severe infections or very extensive lesions, it may be necessary to use it concurrently with antibiotics or other medications as indicated by your Veterinarian. It is recommended only for localized skin problems, for generalized a shampoo from the Vetpro® Dermacare line or systemic medications is suggested as indicated by your Veterinary Doctor.

SENASA Registry:

This content is informative reference and should not be considered as prescriptions.

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