Duotak FF®
Long-acting ectoparasiticide with environmental effect

Fipronil 10 mg, Fluazuron 25 mg, excipients q.s.ad. 1 mL
For the treatment and control of ticks (Boophilus microplus), protecting animals from adult forms of tick during a period up to 12 weeks. It is also effective against horn fly, dermatobiasis nodular (“tupe” or “nuche”) and biting and sucking lice.
Cattle: 1 mL/10 kg of b.w. Apply along the dorsal line from the withers to the base of the tail. A second treatment after a recess of 3 to 6 months is recommended. Apply through epicutaneous route.
Bottle x 1 L .
SENASA Registry: SENASA Perú: F.07.33.N.0414
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