Microquel® Aqua Shrimp 4 in 1 Px
Organic Microelements Chelated and Protected with Methionine for Shrimp

Each 100 g contains: Zinc (as Zinc-MHA *) 3,000 mg, Copper (as Copper-MHA *) 1000 mg, Manganese (as Manganese-MHA *) 1 000 mg, Chromium (as Chromium-MHA *) 20,000 mg, MHA: Hydroxymethionine analogue 20 000 mg Excipients c.s.p 100 g.
Covers the micromineral needs of various shrimp species, optimizing their genetic potential for optimal growth and development. Prevention and treatment of deficiencies associated with the minerals of formula in shrimps. Organic chelation with AHM protects minerals from unwanted reactions; Passive release and absorption through the intestinal lumen are markedly improved with regard to inorganic minerals.
Mix 1 - 2 Kg / Ton of food. (1 - 2 g / Kg)
Sachet x 100 g, Sachet x 500 g, Jar x 1 Kg, Bucket by 5 kg, Jar x 10kg, Jar x 20 Kg.
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