Nutritive Hydrating Serum with Electrolytes

Each 1000mL contains Anhydrous Glucose 20.00 g. Sodium Lactate 3.40 g. Potassium Chloride 1.50 g. Sodium Chloride 3.50 g. Water for injection c.s.p. 1 000 mL.
Severe dehydration caused by diarrhea, vomiting, gastrointestinal obstruction, racing, intense exercise, overtraining, overwork or production, excessive sweating, exposure to heat, fever, poisoning, thermal stress. Anorexia and as a supportive treatment in infectious or parasitic diseases. Vehicle -with energy inputfor the administering of medication. Correction of saline abnormalities in cases of acute renal failure, heart and liver failure.
Route of administration: Slow Endovenous In smaller animals: 20-40mL / kg. In older animals: 2 to 4 bags.
Bag x 1L.
SENASA Registry: SENASA Perú: F.75.01.N.0088
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