Halocox Px latest generation broad spectrum coccidiostat – unique triple anticoccidial action

Halocox Px

Latest Generation Broad Spectrum Coccidiostat – Unique Triple Anticoccidial Action

Poultry Fighting Cocks Premix

Each kg of Halocox Px contains: Halofuginone Hydrobromide 6 g, Excipients q.s. 1 kg.

Treatment and prevention of coccidia infections in chickens and turkeys. For the prophylactic control of the coccidia species E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. necatrix, E. tenella, E. mitis, E. praecox and E. brunetti in broilers, chickens raised for laying and rearing pullets, as well as E. meleagrimitis, E. adenoides, E. gallapavonis, E. meleagridis and E. dispersa in turkeys.

Oral route, mixed with feed at a rate of 2-3 mg of Halofuginone Hydrobromide/kg of feed, which in practice is equivalent to 333-500 g of premix per ton of feed (3 ppm) for 15 days.
Sachet x 100 g, Sachet x 1 kg , Bag x 10 kg, Bag x 20 kg, Bag x 25 kg.

SENASA Registry:

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