Hepaviar® Px
Hepatoprotective - Lipotropic - Detoxifying Balanced Association

Longevia® Gel Oral
Potent Antioxidant Association, Support of Cognitive and Immune Functions for
Oral Gel

Longevia® Soft Chews
Potent Antioxidant Association, Support of Cognitive and Immune Functions for
Tablet Oral

Nutritional Supplement for anxiety and stress management in dogs
Tablet Oral

Microquel® Cu Px
Organic microelement chelated as copper-amino acid complex and protected with

Microquel® Fe Px
Organic microelement chelated as an iron-amino acid complex and protected

Microquel® Mn Px
Organic microelement chelated as manganese-amino acid complex and protected with

Microquel® Zn Px
Organic microelement chelated as zinc-amino acid complex and protected with

Nutromix® Daily Multi
Energy nutritional supplement for pets.
Oral Gel

Nutromix® Hairball Remedy
Nutritional Supplement Peristalsis Promoter - Preventive Intestinal Obstructions by Accumulated
Oral Gel

Nutromix® High Calorie
Nutritional Supplement with High Calorie Contribution of Immediate Bioavailability
Oral Gel