Micromutin® IS
Last generation pleuromutilin - Quick Action

Tiamulin (as tiamulin hydrogen fumarate) 10 g, Excipients q.s.ad 100 mL.
Indicated for gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to tiamulin, including swine dysentery caused by Brachyspira and complicated by the genera Fusobacterium and Bacteroides, pleuropneumonia, enzootic pneumonia, porcine respiratory complex and mycoplasmal arthritis.
Dysenteria 1 mL/10 Kg. Respiratory infections and mycoplasmic arthritis: 1mL/6 Kg
Bottle x 100 mL .
SENASA Registry: SENASA Perú: F.82.01.I.0029
This content is informative reference and should not be considered as prescriptions.