Our products


Camels   x Goats   x Rabbits   x Sheep   x Swine   x
Cloxantel Plus
Cloxantel Plus
Fasciolicide and endectocide association with prolonged residual action
Injectable Solution
Coxuril T® 50 OS
Coxuril T® 50 OS
Coccidicide Effective Against All Eimeria Species Including Those Resistant to
Oral Solution
Doramec® L.A. / Doramax L.A.
Doramec® L.A. / Doramax L.A.
Long-acting endectocide
Injectable Solution
Ectickol Pour On
Ectickol Pour On
Tick killer, mange killer and insecticide
Pour On Topical Solution
Ectomethrin® 200
Ectomethrin® 200
Pyrethroid ectoparasiticide
Emulsifiable Concentrate
Ectomethrin® Pour On
Ectomethrin® Pour On
Pyrethroid ectoparasiticide
Pour On Topical Solution
Ectonil® Pour On
Ectonil® Pour On
Tick killer and insecticide of multiple action and extended effect
Pour On Topical Solution
Eprimec IS
Eprimec IS
Injectable Solution
Eprimec® Zero Pour On
Eprimec® Zero Pour On
Endectocide with no withdrawal period in milk and meat
Pour On Topical Solution
Fasiject® Plus
Fasiject® Plus
Full Spectrum Internal and Extarnal Antiparasitic
Injectable Solution
FBZ® 12.5% con minerales
FBZ® 12.5% con minerales
Broad-spectrum Internal Antiparasitic with Minerals
Oral Suspension
Moxidec® Onyx
Moxidec® Onyx
Long-acting Internal and External Antiparasitic - Last Generation Endectocide
Injectable Solution