Agrovet Market 2024 Tour trains livestock sector professionals in five cities across the country

We are reaching more and more regions of the country. On 13, 15 and 16 August, the Agrovet Market 2024 Tour began in the cities of Cajamarca, Chiclayo and Cañete, ending on 19 and 21 August in Huancayo and Arequipa (Pedregal), where more than 600 professionals and producers from the livestock sector were trained.

This year, the tour counted with the participation of MVZ. MC. Jesús Zavaleta Hernández, from Mexico, who is recognised for having the best postgraduate work in the area of infectious diseases. He has also been awarded with the professional merit prize by the Mexican Association of Bovine Veterinarians. On this occasion, Zavaleta Hernández presented the papers ‘Much more than litres: Milk quality and somatic cells’, ‘Impact on metritis and correct reproductive control’ and ‘Confronting the bovine respiratory complex: Prevention and management’.

Pet Nutriscience at Latin Pet Show 2024 with its premium pet food brands

Pet Nutriscience had an outstanding participation in the Latin Pet Show 2024, the most important event for pet lovers in Peru, which took place on 24 and 25 August at the Centro de Exposiciones Jockey.

The Pet Nutriscience team provided personalised advice to visitors, emphasising the importance of a balanced diet and how our nutritional options can contribute significantly to the well-being of pets. In addition, there were recreational activities where pet lovers had the opportunity to win useful prizes for their pets.

Pet Nutriscience at CONFEDERMA 2024 at CONFEDERMA 2024 with its premium line of pet food

Pet Nutriscience, representante de marcas globales de alimentos premium para mascotas, participó con éxito en la segunda edición del CONFEDERMA, un congreso veterinario especializado en el cuidado y la salud de la piel. Este evento contó con la presencia de destacados conferencistas y médicos veterinarios provenientes de Perú, Argentina, México y España.

Durante el congreso, Pet Nutriscience presentó su amplio portafolio de productos, incluyendo marcas reconocidas como Pro Pac, Formula Natural, Earthborn, Go Native y Nutribites. Estos productos están formulados para ofrecer un equilibrio óptimo de proteínas, vitaminas y nutrientes esenciales, adaptándose a las diferentes necesidades y etapas de vida de las mascotas.

Petmedica was present at Confederma 2024

Posted on Monday, 19 August of 2024

Petmedica was present at Confederma 2024

Petmedica® was present at CONFEDERMA, the international congress of veterinary dermatology, which took place at the ESAN Convention & Sport Center on August 16th and 17th.

Petmedica® was present in the commercial area in charge of our technical sales team, who provided advice to attendees on the products of our dermatological line, highlighting the benefits of our portfolio among the veterinary community, highlighting products such as the Vetpro line of medicated shampoo and Biosporine with its triple topical antibiotic association of broad spectrum.

Resounding success at the Tour Agrovet Market 2024

Posted on Friday, 16 August of 2024

Resounding success at the Tour Agrovet Market 2024

The Agrovet Market 2024 Tour began on 13 and 15 August, an event that has been training professionals and producers in the livestock sector for more than 13 years. On these first dates, the cities of Cajamarca and Chiclayo were visited, with the Hotel Costa del Sol as the venue.

Agrovet Market was attended by MVZ. MC. Jesús Zavaleta Hernández from Mexico, recognised for the best postgraduate work in the area of infectious diseases and awarded with the professional merit prize by the Mexican association of bovine veterinarians.

Pet Nutriscience stands out at SINUVET with Vet Care Natural Formula

On 01 and 02 August, the city of Cusco was the setting for the Nephrourology Veterinary Symposium (SINUVET). On this occasion, Pet Nutriscience, representative in Peru of premium pet food brands, had a notable participation by presenting its advanced product line, Natural Vet Care Formula. Specifically developed by veterinarians, this line is designed to meet the nutritional needs of convalescent or sick pets.

Petmedica present at the First Latin American Veterinary Nephrourology Symposium (SINUVET)

Petmedica®, leader in innovation in veterinary pharmaceutical products, was present at SINUVET, the first veterinary symposium on Nephrourology in Latin America, an event committed to excellence in the renal care of pets and the training of veterinary professionals.

Sinuvet was held on Thursday 01 and Friday 02 August at the Hilton Hotel in the city of Cusco.

Tour Agrovet Market 2024

Posted on Monday, 22 July of 2024

Tour Agrovet Market 2024

Agrovet Market, los invita a ser parte del TOUR AGROVET MARKET 2024 capacitaciones que tienen como objetivo enriquecer los conocimientos de los profesionales especializados al rubro ganadero, con la finalidad de mantenerlos actualizados en pro del desarrollo de la profesión.

Para esta décimo cuarta edición, contamos con la presencia del M.V.Z. Jesús Zavaleta Hernández desde México. Cuenta con una Maestría y Especialidad en producción y salud animal. Socio fundador de la asociación hidrocálida de Médicos Veterinarios Especialista en Bovinos (AHMVEB). Galardonado con el premio de mérito profesional en el área de enfermedades infecciosas por la asociación mexicana de médicos veterinarios especialistas en bovinos donde estará dispuesto a compartir todo su conocimiento adquirido y resolver las consultas de los asistentes.

Los invitamos a ser parte de nuestro Tour Agrovet Market, inscribiéndose desde nuestra web

Petmedica® stands out at the Veterinary Congress of León Trujillo 2024

On July 10 and 11, the second edition of the Leon Veterinary Congress was held with great success in the city of Trujillo, an event recognized as the largest in the world in its category. The Los Conquistadores Convention Center was the epicenter of this meeting, which brought together veterinarians, animal health professionals and students.

Petmedica® actively participated in this important event, highlighting its commitment to the health and welfare of pets. During the event, our technical sales team was present to offer specialized advice on our line of products for pets, highlighting the benefits of our portfolio among distributors and the veterinary community in the country.

Pet Nutriscience stood out at the Veterinary Congress of Leon in Trujillo with its premium line of foods.

Pet Nutriscience, importer and distributor of premium pet food, stood out at the recent Congreso Veterinario de León (CVDL), held at the Centro de Convenciones Los Conquistadores in Trujillo on July 9 and 10. At the Congress, the company presented its flagship brands such as Pro Pac, Sportmix, Fórmula Natural and Nutribites, highlighting its commitment to animal health and welfare through high nutritional quality products.

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